Bringing Organic Products to Hargeisa

My name is Asia Mahmud Ahmed, the founder of Aragsan Organics that produces organic oil and creams. Firstly, I have heard Harhub advertisement on Social media in particular Facebook. After I applied its program, I was one of the shortlisted candidates. Later on, Harhub provided us Entrepreneurship trainings. After the training was completed, I succeed to be one of the business innovative youth whose business ideas were taken and awarded Equity investment. Soon after I won the investment award, I bought all the machines I needed and my business became improved.

My business locates at Calaamadda village In Hargeisa. Big change has come to my life, before I was not trained and invested, I was jobless person, but After Harhub awarded me the Equity investment, I became a business woman and also contributed to the society and I created jobs to other 3 youth who works with me now.

COVID-19, had an impact to our business since there was no movement at all. Due to the global disaster, we thought about a better way to survive and we promoted our business through social media and motto delivery system that we deliver our customers to their places.

One of the main challenges youths faced is lack of access to financing, but recently Harhub stands to break the bridge and make easy for the innovative youth to change their business ideas into action by filling the gab through trainings and investments; therefore, I would like to call to the rest of youth not to be afraid to perform the business ideas they have within their minds and be connected to Harhub, where they can get an important trainings and investment opportunities as well.


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